Thursday, May 10, 2007


I started my first hat using hand dyed cotton yarn I bought on clearance (see April 27 blog) and a pattern I found here. CLICK IT! I didn’t do any gauge testing so hopefully I cast on enough stitches. I am using size 6 16" circular needles. I kept putting off starting a hat because I don’t really know what I am doing. I’ve been searching endlessly for the perfect pattern and the perfect yarn to loose my hat virginity to but I finally decided to get drunk and use the first fiber I see.

Friday, May 4, 2007


Knitty Gritty on DIY Network had a great tip for keeping patterns like new. Place it in a plastic insert and use a dry erase marker when you work on it to make any notes or keep track of rows. Erase the marker when the project is complete and keep the pattern safe and sound in its plastic insert.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007


I was just listening to Marky Ramone’s radio show on Sirius. He mentioned they have a new ALL PUNK STATION. Channel 29 for all you punk-ass knitters out there.


Has anyone heard of this? Where have I been?

This seems like the coolest thing. You sign up, roll the dice and swap stuff with perfect strangers, who guess what you like by reading your blog. I just signed up for the May Black and White swap. Check is out.


Right now, I am working on a bag that I have been knitting forever. It started out as a really big tote bag and has morphed into a smaller hand bag because I am excited to finish it. To be honest, I want to move onto something else.

Originally, I was going to make two sides and a gusset. I am now taking one side and just folding it. This is going to be felted and I don’t want it to small so I still have some work to do. The gusset will be added to give it some gerth. I love those two words. Gusset and gerth. If I had twin boys, I would name them Gusset and Gerth.

Sunday, April 29, 2007


I KNIT THIS! Actually, I made is from scratch, even the dough. It’s all vegan. I substituted the cheese for soft tofu. I know it sounds gross, but if you put the tofu the food processor with plenty of fresh garlic, dried parsley, oregano, basil and olive oil it tastes a lot like ricotta cheese. Just spoon it on the pizza after you add the sauce. Top with veggies. You can use the same tofu mixture in lasagna.

Friday, April 27, 2007


I purchased some hand dyed cotton yarn on clearance. It was my favorite color, cheap. I got 4 hanks or skeins. What’s the difference between a hank and a skein? I saw an pattern for a hat I might make with this. I just have to figure out the gauge.

The pattern is from the book Hollywood Knits Style by Suss Cousins. It is a simple ribbed hat that isn’t knit it in the round. It is made as one flat piece and seamed together.

I started a small spring scarf on size 15 needles with this yarn already, but I think I might switch to 11 instead. I haven’t gotten very far so I don’t mind starting over. Besides I think I cast on too many stitched. I want a narrow light scarf to wear with a T-shirt.


Here is a pic of my growing stash. I just bought some ribbon and fun yarns on clearance. I’m not sure what I will do with them, but I was thinking about mixing the two to make a scarf or small bag. I really like making bags. I have only made two projects and both are bags. Actually, I have finished one and the other bag is on the needles now. Well, the first bag is almost finished. I knitted it for my sister, Heather as a goof. It is really cheesey! It was the first thing I made besides a practice piece. I just have to finish putting it together and send it to her. As soon as she gets it I will post some pics. I don’t want to ruin her surprise!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

It’s My Brithday!

I am 38 today. The good news is I’m not 40. The bad news is I’m 38.